Monday, January 9, 2012

New beginnings

    The new year is upon us, and that is cause to consider new beginnings (especially in the wake of Christmas presents that bark or meow).  We wanted to review today the basics of a new puppy or kitten's first 6 months of veterinary visits.  
     For most puppies, their initial medical care will consist of deworming at 2,4, and 6 weeks of age.  Most puppies receive their first set of vaccinations at 6 weeks of age.  Our recommended sequence of vaccinations is at 6,9, 12, and 16 weeks of age.  Each time your puppy visits us, it will receive a full physical examination and a stool sample will be obtained to screen for intestinal parasites.  Any questions regarding your new puppy will be answered, and a booster vaccination will be given at each visit.  When your puppy is approximately 16 weeks of age, it receives its final puppy vaccinations (including a rabies vaccination), and we will discuss timing and cost of spaying or neutering.  This surgery can then be scheduled when the puppy is approximately 6 months of age.  We currently recommend returning with your pet every 6 months for physical examinations and periodic updating of necessary vaccinations.  
     Kittens are fairly similar to puppies, except we recommend a vaccination schedule of 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age.  The remaining veterinary care visits and timing of surgical sterilization remains the same.  For both puppies and kittens we recommend transitioning from puppy/kitten food over to adult food around 6 months of age.  If you or a family member is starting out the new year with a new pet, give our office a call to set up an appointment.  We wish you all a happy and safe new year!

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